
Monday 26 April 2010

Out of Chaos - Felted Treasures and more

I figured out the camera, the computer and the internet (to the best of my ability and levels of sanity) ... and have listed my first items on madeit , an aussie site dedicated to the sale of all things handmade.

My workroom is a never ending story. In order to finish this or make that I purchase this and purchase that and I think in fact, I may have added to my stash!

Firstly, I gathered my baby wraps and photographed them.
I love to make these. They are labour intensive, but so soft and snug and lightweight.

A needlecase, I washed, carded and felted some Alpaca fibre and went to work.

Next on the list - to photograph my cards. Now finished!

Then leather bound journals ... My mother has been the inspiration behind these ... we began with a family day, each making one for our own use (boys too), but they are nice to touch I had to make more.. They're all handstitched and bound.

And to add confusion to chaos I joined a creative fibre group ...

                    ..and now I'm felting a bust of Medusa.

She's a work in progress as you can see...a combination of 'Medusa' and 'The Scream' by Edvard Munch

The most difficult thing to do is




  1. Congratulations on listing your first items. I've only just found out about the madeit site.
    Your work is gorgeous and wow that bust is going to be amazing xoxo
    cheers karen xoxoxo

  2. Simply LOVE the Medusa! Fabulous work!
